Ceramics Workshop Registration Form
新春伊始,Blu Jungle推出全新陶瓷工作坊「文物裡的東方絕色:粉彩綠裡花形杯」,讓孩子們在藝術中感受傳統文化的魅力!
As the new year begins, Blu Jungle is excited to present our brand-new ceramics workshop — "Traditional Chinese Colors: Pastel Green Floral Cups". This workshop offers children the opportunity to experience the charm of traditional culture through art! 以傳統粉彩瓷器為靈感,從陶瓷塑形到粉彩繪花,再到綠釉點綴,完整體驗陶瓷製作工藝。用細膩的筆觸描繪古典花卉,以綠釉呼應自然之美,重現文物中的東方雅韻,打造屬於孩子們自己獨一無二的藝術珍品。 Inspired by traditional pastel porcelain, children will learn the full ceramic-making process—from shaping the clay to painting with pastel colors, and adding a touch of green glaze. They'll delicately paint classic flowers and create their own unique art pieces, capturing the beauty of ancient Eastern ceramics. Fees: Special New Year 20% Off Offer
$1,200 (Original Price:$1500) Location: Blu Jungle Art Center - Sai Ying Pun Schedule: Feb -18(Tue-Wed) 2:15pm-3:45pm Age: 6+ *Materials, firing, and tuition fees are included (Please note that due to the firing process, artwork will be available for pick-up in 2-3 weeks). |
條款與細則 / Terms and Conditions:
- 報名將按照先到先得處理,並需全額付款確認。Enrollment will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis and confirmed with payment in full.
- 補課僅適用於每週一次的課程,工作坊不安排補課。 Make-up lesson is available for once-a-week programs only. There is NO make-up class for workshops/camps.
- 報名確認後,已繳費用在任何情況下均不予退還,且不可轉讓給其他學生或用於未來課程。 No refund or transfer of fees after the payment is made.
- 我們保留使用本工作室拍攝的照片和視頻以及在課程、工作坊和活動中創作的作品進行教師培訓、學術研究和宣傳的權利。如您不同意,請在報名時告知我們,或發送郵件至[email protected]。 We reserve the right to use photographs and videos taken by our Studio, and artwork created during classes, workshops, and events, for teacher training, academic research, and promotional purposes. If you do not consent, please let us know at the point of enrollment, or email us at [email protected].
- 如遇惡劣天氣(包括八號颱風信號或黑色暴雨警告信號),工作坊將被取消。取消確認將於活動及工作坊開始前2小時通知。In the event of unstable weather, including Typhoon Signal No. 8 or Black Rainstorm Signal, the workshop will be cancelled. Confirmation of cancellation will be provided 2 hours prior to the tour & workshop start time.
- 若因天氣原因取消活動,工作坊將不會重新安排或退款。費用將換成現金券,可於發放日期起一年內參加季節性工作坊時使用。If the workshop is cancelled due to unstable weather, it will not be rescheduled or refunded. A courtesy coupon will be issued for use in seasonal workshops at our studios within 1 year of the issue date.
- 課程內容如有任何改動,恕不另行通知。 Program content may be subject to minor variations without further notice.
- 請在作品完成日期起三個月內領取,逾期未領取的作品將自行處理,不再另行通知,學生將無法取回作品。 Student artwork not collected within three months from the date of completion will be discarded.
- 我們將根據香港的《個人資料(私隱)條例》收集、保存及使用您的個人資料,並通過各種通訊渠道向您發送推廣信息。如您不希望接收此類信息,請發送郵件至[email protected].通知我們。 We collect, store, and use your personal data in compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of Hong Kong. We will deliver promotional information to you through various communications channels. Should you prefer not to receive such information, please send your request by email to [email protected].
- 本公司保留最終解釋權。Our company reserves the right of final interpretation.